
Announcemen​t (On letter Paper Use)

2021年08月02日 13:16  点击:[]

The offical letter paper for international education of University of South China includes three types, two with English letterhead (International use) and one with Chinese letterhead (domestic use). The usage of each kind is as followed:


This paper is the general paper for international education, various business letter, verification, students transcript etc are printed on it since April 2021. Kindly note, the email on it is icusc@usc.edu.cn


This paper is the exclusive paper for international studentsenrollmentsince April 2021, while the documents printed on this paper with College or University Stamp before April 2021 are genuine and effective. Admission letter, or any business letter concerned with student enrollment adopt this paper. Kindly note, the email on it is enrollc@usc.edu.cn


This paper is the general paper for international education of domestic use. Various business letters are printed on it to institutions or government agencies in China.

上一条:Additional Notice on Foreigner Physical Examination Form
下一条:Vaccination Notification


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