
Notification About 2014 “Nanhua and Me”Essay Contest

2014年09月24日 10:47 idusc 点击:[]

In conjunction with the ongoing Cultural Festival of USC and with the purpose to help and encourage the foreign teachers and students to know about, get involved in, and develop a passion for University of South China, an Essay Contest with the topic Nanhua and Me is to be sponsored by the International Department.

The requirements are as follows:

1. The author shall be the foreign teachers or international students of the University.

2. The essay shall be no less than 300 English words and the hard copy shall be handwritten on the school’s stationery (illustrations preferred).

3. Ten percent of all the essays to be submitted shall be awarded first-class prize, twenty percent, second-class prize, and thirty percent, third-class prize.

4. Once awarded the prize(s), the author shall agree that the copyright of the essay shall be shared with the sponsor.

5. The hard copy shall be submitted to the International Department by Oct. 17, 2014, while the e-copy shallbe emailed to enroll@usc.edu.cn with the subject Nanhua and ME by Oct. 17, 2014.

For any questions, please feel free to call us at:

0734-8281648, 0734-8282718

International Department



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